Hard to believe nearly 40 weeks of pregnancy has gone by and our little miracle is here! July 21, 2009 was the single most beautiful day of our life! As we became more than Valerie and David, we became PARENTS! After having to be at the hospital at 5:45 Tuesday morning, Caden made his arrival at 8:10 a.m. It was the most beautiful sound hearing him cry for the first time! And I must say we are very blessed! I always thought I knew what it was like to have a blessed life until the day God gave us Caden! I now know the true meaning of BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE! He is the sweetest little boy! At birth he was 7 lbs 4 oz and 19 & 1/4 inches long! When David brought him around so I could see him I fell in love all over again! Thanks to everyone who was there for us and has been there for us! We love yall so much and we are so blessed to have yall in our lives! Here are some pics of our little miracle!! Thank you Lord for we are truly BLESSED!
Daddy and I
Before we headed to the hospital!
My first bath! Getting ready for Mommy and Daddy!