Saturday, August 29, 2009
Our Handsome Boy
Over the past week I have gotten some great pictures of Caden! He is so precious and I LOVE to take pictures of him! Of course it's a mom thing I'm sure, but I can't help but snap shots all the time! Here are a few (dozen) pics of our cutie!!
I put him in his crib asleep and G-pa came by said he was awake and told us to go into the room and he was sucking on his glow worms ear! It was super cute! Me and Granny had to take pics!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
5 weeks !
Today Caden is 5 weeks old! Casie Jo and Denise came by this afternoon for a visit! It was nice to see them! He is such a handsome little man and we are so in love with him! Matt and Amanda came by tonight to see him for the first time also! Caden loves visitors and is usually very good when people come by! Unless of course he is hungry, then he is a fussy gus! He was very good for Matt and Amanda but Denise and Casie came during nap time so he was a little fussy! He loves to cuddle, swing in his swing, and rock! But fortunately he is adjusting to falling asleep on his own in his bed! Which I'm sure daddy will love especially since I go back to work next month!
Sleepy Boy!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy 1 Month Old Birthday Caden!
Yesterday Caden turned 1 month old!! It is so hard to believe that a month has gone by already! Each day I love him more and more! He amazes me so much! I have found a new love in him and everyday I thank God that he gave him to us! He is getting strong and is determined to hold his head up on his own for longer than a second or two. His legs are constantly moving about 70 miles per hour! Except when he is eating he holds perfectly still with his hands in fists! It is so cute! He loves to "stand" if you're holding him in that position he bounces up and down. He found his thumb too! It is precious how he sucks on it! We measured him at home and he is now 22 inches long and about 10.2 pounds! But that is using the measuring tape and home scale! lol He is definitely growing! He is sleeping great at night most nights. He averages 5 hours a night but some nights we go 6 and even 7 hours without him waking up. I of course am still waking up to check on him! He sleeps in the pack in play in our room for now, but daddy says he needs to start sleeping in his nursery. He does take naps in his crib tho. Each day is such a blessing for us! & I can't wait to see what the future holds! Here are a few pictures of our little One Month Old!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
3 weeks!
Tuesday Caden turned 3 weeks old! It is going by so fast! He is working so hard at holding his head up! And yesterday he was laying down on my chest facing left, he picked his head up, looked at me, and then turned his head to the right and lays it back down. As if it were a controlled purposeful movement. He also is kicking his legs a lot, he tries to climb up your belly as you hold him straight up against you! I can't believe how fast he is growing! Daddy goes back to work tomorrow and we are REALLY gunna miss him! We have had some great family time and it will be hard for us with him at work during the day. Tuesday cousin Haleigh also got to come home from the hospital after 2 weeks in the NICU at Hillcrest. So we went over to welcome her home! Caden not only welcomed her home but broke in her new changing table. Little man had a blow out all over her pretty pink changing table cover! Luckily Amy reported last night that it came out in the wash! Happy 3 weeks Caden! and Welcome Home Haleigh!
Good Morning!!
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