I cannot tell you enough how much I have truly been blessed! My life is full of love! I have my God, my family, my church and my friends! God shows me His love for me daily and I pray that I show Him in return how much I love Him! We started our Christmas celebrations by celebrating Jesus' birthday at church! We then headed to David's cousin Lynn's house for a family celebration. The kids had a gift exchange there and it was so fun! We then headed over to G-pa's house for our annual Christmas celebration on Christmas eve! The next morning Caden woke up to see what Santa, mommy and daddy got him! It was so much fun this year! He got into opening his gifts himself and it was so cute! That afternoon we headed over to Granny and Granpa's for our annual Davidson Christmas! Mommy then had to go to work at 7pm but it was a very blessed Christmas! Enjoy all the pics!
G-pa's tree

Helping G-pa open his gifts.

Opening his gift from his cousin's at Lynn's house

Granny and Granpa

Angel and Caden

Kinlee Cecilia



Frank and Liza

Caden opening his gifts!

Zackary James

Daddy and Caden Lane

G-pa and Caden!

Merry Christmas morning!

Playing with his new shelves from G-pa
to go in the new bookcase Granpa made!

Christmas morning!

He loves his new 'puter!

Daddy helping Caden open gifts!

Wanting to drink from his new straw sippy!

Nap time at Granny's before opening gifts!

Granpa playing Silent Night for us on the violin!

Grandma Ward opening her gift from us, a blanket
made by David and I!

Caden on his quad from Granny and Granpa!

Caden on his new play place from Grandma, Moo and Bull!

lol opening gifts!

Playing with his new train set!

Hope you all had a very blessed Christmas and New Years!