
Friday, May 1, 2009


This year we spent Easter with mom in Amarillo. We celebrated Easter Day at the Blackwell's house with lunch, an Easter egg hunt for the kids, and confetti eggs. To hear Kelly talk he is still picking up the mess around his house. Of course I don't believe him! lol The food was great and the kiddos had tons of fun! As well as the adults with the confetti eggs! As you can see in the photos. I can't wait until our next family get together. Although some of us were missing, we still had a great time with the ones that came! I have been very blessed with a very large, very loving family! Thank You LORD!! :D

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Would be nice for the whole family to get together who knows maybe someday God willing and it won't be because someone died. My love to all Mom/Mimi