
Friday, October 16, 2009

Last weekend David was in our friend Matt and Amanda's wedding. I don't think I've ever been to a wedding so gorgeous! Sadly this is the only pic I got of the wedding because David left the camera in the truck. It was at a new venue, Ruby Caroline out in Oglesby Texas. It was an outdoor wedding and despite the large amount of rain the day before and the chilly breeze, it was quite perfect! Everyone enjoyed themselves! Congrats Matt and Amanda! May you have a wonderful future together!
David and I trying to get a good picture of us at the reception.
I took this one...
David did a good job here...
damn glasses...
I was laughing...

I don't think we agreed on a pic that we both liked because we either cut part of our faces off or his glasses cut my eye or we didn't like one of our smiles. But we had fun taking the pics! lol

1 comment:

Mimi said...

They are all good pictures!!! the people in them are the ones that don't thick so !! Love to ALL!!! MOM/MIMI