
Friday, December 11, 2009


Cousin Bryson teaching Caden to hi 5!

When Brooklyn was down we did Christmas with her, Neta, and Mimi! Aunt Vern let Brooklyn open a present early and Caden enjoyed himself as well!
Awwww....he loves his B'lyn!
Brooklyn is here! Caden is such a good sharer and Brooklyn loved his toys!
Getting ready for Santa! Thanks Steph for the cute UT Santa shirt!
Beechnut Applesauce!
When Caden was a little over 4 months I wanted to try him with a spoon so we tried some applesauce! We of course snapped some cute photos. I know you are suppose to start with rice cereal, this was just a one time thing for now!

1 comment:

Stephanie Gerath said...

Your welcome Caden for the UT Santa Shirt! I hope you had a good Christmas!!! I have not seen you since then :(. I Love Broolyn's Onsie, tutu and tights in the other post. they worked sooo well! Miss ya'll Bunches!!!