Ready for Church in my new car seat and sun glasses!
(Lots of thanks to Granny and Granpa for my new carseat!)
The puppy on his glasses matched the one on his shirt!
With Daddy! Poor Bug was sick, but so cute! (I'm obviously partial!) : )
Mom and the Buggy D! I love my boys!

Sunday was so pretty Frank, Liza and the kids came over to ride their dirt bike and the 4 wheeler, then inside to play with cousin Caden!
He wouldn't look at me for the pic!

Sweet Sweet Bug!
lol I was at work by this time, but my guess is Cousin Zack took this close up of Caden!

LOVE those baby blue eyes!! Can we say future heart throb?!!

Caden's 7 month Happenings:
- He's crawling the army/ swim crawl!
- He continues to roll over and over.
- He will repeat noises we make.
- He is trying to talk! Babbles ALL the time!
- Growing like a weed! My best guess is he is at the 20 pound mark
- Eating 1st and 2nd foods! Loves Peas and carrots (who would have thought) and is still breast feeding although less obviously :)
- He's wearing 6-9 month clothes
- Still a Daddy's boy
- Loves his baths
- Growing out of liking his swing :(
- Wants to be the center of attention ALL the time!
For He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.
Psalm 103:14
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