Today Caden turned 9 months old! I took Caden to the Doctor this morning while daddy was at work, and this evening we stopped on the way to life group to get a quick photo in the bluebonnets! He loved to play with them!

Where has the time gone?! Our little boy is now 9 months old! It has gone by way too fast! Gone are the days where we get to hold him and love him without him fighting to get away! lol but when we put him down he wants back up, unless he is preoccupied with playing with things.
- He is one the move! Crawling everywhere, and FAST!
- He is also standing on his own, he continues to pull up on everything!
- Still no teeth yet!
- Still a daddy's boy!
- Breast feeding but weening from it, he seems to busy to stay still for that!
- Eating more and more solid foods everyday. He loves mashed potatoes.
- He likes to drink from daddy's water bottle.
- He loves to swing.
- He is preparing to make his debut as the ring bearer in mommy and daddy's wedding!
- He was in the newspaper for the Top 20 for the baby snapshot contest! As of today (April 21st) he is in the lead!
- Wearing 9 month and some 12 month clothes!
- Size 3 0r 4 diapers
- He is saying "hi" and "dada."
- He loves to giggle and has the most handsome smile ever! :D
- Dr. Ferguson said today that he is on a 12 month developmental level.
- He weighs 20 lbs 5ozs (50th percentile)
- 28.5 inches long (50th percentile)
Mommy and daddy can't tell you enough how much we love you Caden Lane! You have made our life complete! We thank God everyday for giving you to us to raise and love! Can't wait to see what the future holds for us all! We love you Bug!
You will fill me with joy in your presence...
Psalm 16:11
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