Happy 10 months Caden Lane! On May 21st our Bug turned 10 months old. This past month has been a whirl wind! It started out with Caden having a double ear infection the week before the wedding. Then of course his Big debut as a Ring Bearer at our wedding. I can't thank God enough for blessing us with our Buggy D!! This month was also the first time I've been away from him for longer than 12 hours (while on our honeymoon.) And lets not forget, my first Mother's Day! Everyday is a blessing and I am so grateful to have each and everyone!
We went to Kinlee's field day...

- Weighed in at 20 lbs 12 oz
- Still only says Dada and Hi
- Two teeth (both bottom)
- Wearing size 4 diapers
- Wearing 12 month clothes (but still fits into most 9 months)
- Walking along the edges of furniture while holding on.
- Is content playing alone, but LOVES company!
- His favorite toys are his Mickey train, baseball/bat t-ball stand, his zoo animals, and another play station that stands up has a book, computer, piano, and telephone on it (I'm at a loss for the name right now) and anything with music where he can dance!
- He LOVES to dance!
- Loves baths
- LOVES to SMILE! (I love his smile!)
- Using the sippy cup for all drinks except milk time
- Started on whole milk!
- He still has his bottle of milk in the morning, before nap, and before bed time.
- Still on Gerber 3 foods.
- We are introducing more big boy foods, but SLOWLY
- He loves his biter biscuits and we tried Mum mums.
- He LOVES Mum Mums :)
You are our little Bug and we love you more than words can even describe! Each day is an adventure and I am always so anxious to see what each new day brings! In your smile I truly feel God's love shining through! I pray that you are able to see how much we love God and how much we love you! We pray you have a close relationship with Christ throughout your life and that you truly know the cost he paid for us!We are so Blessed! We love you Bug!!!
~Mom and Dad
Granny also just celebrated a birthday on May 17th, Happy Birthday Granny!
Caden Lane
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.
Psalm 95:6-7
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