Caden you turned 11 months today! It is hard to believe that in 1 short month you will be one year old! It seems like yesterday you were born and now I can't remember how my life was before you. You are such a happy little boy most of the time! I truly feel God's love when I see you smile! Caden Lane you are such a delight to us and we are truly blessed by each day with you! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!
Here are a few things you are up to this month!
- You still only have 2 teeth! Yes ladies and gents! ONLY his bottom front 2
- Clothes 9mo to 12 months
- Diapers size 4
- You are eating more and more table food, but still love your Gerber food.
- You are walking while holding onto things like couches or of course his train car! You love to push that around!
- You take 2 naps, 1-2 hours long each which makes mommy very happy on the days when I just got off at 7am.
- You sleep well through the night from 8- 9:30 p.m. (depending on what is happening that night) until 6:30-8:30 a.m.
- You LOVE to play with Rylee Grace, you two are BFF's!
- You also love to swim! You are our little water Bug!
- You still clap a lot and do it after we say "Yay Caden!"
- You say Dada, Mama, Baba, Hi and Uh Oh!
- You point towards things you want like a another bite or a drink. Or you will say "Uh" if you want something and then you lean toward it.
- You love to play ball and throw balls!
- You understand the word "NO" and you do not like to hear it!
- You shake your head no when you are done eating and we try to give you a bite or a drink.
But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, "You are my GOD." My times are in Your hands...
Psalm 31:14-15
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