On 7/23/10 We went to Dr. Ferguson's office for Caden's ONE YEAR checkup! Our Little boy is growing so big! He does not have a fear of the doctor's office which is a very good thing. He also likes Dr. Ferg until he goes to messing with him, then he would much rather be in mommy or daddy's lap. He weighed in at 22 pounds, 7 ounces and was 27 1/4 inches tall! Big Boy!
He always seems to have fun at the office! He enjoys taring off the paper from the beds and playing with the magnets.

My boys!

About a week and a half before Caden turned one we took him to get his One year pics done! A friend of mine is an amateur photographer and took them for me since my good friend Stephanie who usually takes his pics was unavailable. Well actually our schedules never went together to get them done because I know she would have loved to take them. Brittany Hejl took them and I do love how they turned out. She edited about 60 of them and I couldn't put them all on here (well I could but I figured you all would get bored) so here are a few of my favorites! Hope you enjoy them! He has been such a joy to us and we love him so much more than words could even begin to imagine!

1 comment:
I can't wait to get mine!
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