Caden Lane, I can't believe you have been in our lives for 14 months now! Daddy and I are truly blessed with your love and smile! You are growing into such a handsome and smart young man! Your smile makes my heart smile and I thank God for you each and everyday! You are growing so fast and learning so much it is hard to keep up with what you are accomplishing each month and day! You are now running, not walking around the house! You love to be outdoors and feel the grass beneath your feet. You will walk in shoes but you are quick to get them off! You can also put your crocs on by yourself! You started doing that this month. You are still very polite and say Thank You which melts my heart, but what I love more is that you say it a lot without being prompted. You still love to play Uh Oh! And the other day I was looking for your paci and you have a little hiding spot for them on the window seal on the outside of your pack n play where you drop them. I found it the other day when I was looking for one and I asked you where it was and you peaked over the corner of the pack n play on your tippie toes and pointed down! Mommy found 4 that day! Tricky little guy! We are working on expanding your vocabulary and "using your words" instead of uhs and grunts. It's a work in progress! We have lots of words to learn! Right now you are saying:
Uh Oh
Thank You
Mum mum
Gooey Gooey? (David has only heard this one) lol
You say "Uh huh" for yes and shake your head for no! You definitely know what No means! But you LOVE to test your limits! You are a boy that knows what you want because if you don't want it you let us know!
We are trying to teach you up, down, on, off, ball, I love you and Caden. We are working on these!You know what they mean, but you can't say them yet.
Your hair is getting long and everyone tells me to cut it, but daddy and I said we are not cutting it until after you are two. You have the cutest little curls in the back and I LOVE them! You are learning so many new things! You know the difference between eyes, nose, and mouth and you can point to them all with your little index finger it is so cute! You are also blowing kisses, but instead of an open palm you use the side of your fist and it is the sweetest thing! Here are a few pics from Tuesday when you turned 14 months
No more pictures please!
You love to play ball! This was while you and daddy were playing together!

Getting up with your hands full!

Coming after daddy!

You enjoy playing in your room and have plenty of stuff to keep you occupied for hours! You are learning what your different toys do and when you get excited you clap!
You amaze me daily with all the new things you learn! You get into everything and hid mommy's phone the other day for 2 hours! I finally found it in the trash can! You then hid my car keys that Aunt Veronica found a day and a half later!

I got these last two pics on Friday when we went to Just Between Friends. You looked so cute and grown up in your boots and Levis! I'm sure this next month will hold lots of new firsts! And Daddy and I can't wait to explore them with you! We love you little man! Happy 14 months Buggy D!
From the lips of children and infants
You have ordained praise...
Psalm 8:2
So so cute! Can't wait to see you Caden! Smooches!
He getting to be such a BIG BOY !!
We are all so blessed to have this little gift from God in our lives. I am so amazed every time I see him at all the new things he is learning! And you are absolutely right, he is the most appreciative child I have ever known. He says thank you for everything!!!!!!Love y'all so very much. Granny
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