
Monday, October 25, 2010

Playdate with Cousin Kaeding!

Kristy and Kaeding came over last week to hang out and for the boys to play together! They seemed to have a good time together. Caden is 9 months older than Kaeding so we have to make sure he isn't to rough around him. He loves to give sugars and gave Kaeding quite a few. I think he even tried to bite his head which was quickly remedied. Here they are having a good time! Enjoy the pics!

Kaeding enjoyed Caden's workbench and Caden enjoyed trying to take it from him!

David even had a good time playing with the two boys!
lol I love this one!
Kaeding is trying to get his attention and Caden is just smiling at him!
Caden loves his gumball machine!

...they believed His promises
and sang His praise.

Psalm 106:12

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