My oh my, Where has the time gone?! I've been absent from this blogging world for the last 2 months! I promise to be better at keeping the posts coming especially for the family that enjoys the updates! Possible new years resolution?! I think that is fitting! First let me start with October. We did lots of fun things in October from the arrival of London Willow Wood, a fall carnival at First Woodway a local Church, Zackary's birthday and birthday party, pumpkin carving and Halloween. Caden was the cutest little Mickey Mouse in the world! My nephew Zackary was Mickey his 2nd Halloween and he passed his old costume down to Caden for his 2nd Halloween as well. He was so cute in the costume. On Halloween we had dinner at Gigi's then did some trick or treating and home to bed. On Halloween mommy had to work at 11 but that was nice since Daddy and I were able to take our little man to trick or treat!
London's Birth announcements! Thanks Brittney!

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