
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

37 Week Doctors Appointment!

Today we went back into Dr. Wang's office for our check up. I'm 37 weeks and 4 days along! Only 13 more days until C-section time and Caden's arrival! She said that by delivery day he will be around 8 pounds! A BIG BOY! His heartbeat today was 134 and sounded strong! I was closed and not dilated. We go back next Tuesday the 14th and then the following week is C-section time! It is getting so close. We are preparing for his arrival although most everything is done, we have a few odds and ends to tie together. I'm super excited and scared all at the same time! I can't wait to be a Mommy! During the C-section, David of course will be in the room with me, Veronica will be there, Mimi will be driving in from Dumas the weekend before, and Dad, David's parents, Aunt Angie, Uncle Frankie and Aunt Liza all live in town so they will be here also. Aunt Neta is coming for a visit the beginning of August. Caden is a very blessed boy! As are David and I for having such wonderful families.


Vanessa said...

Just reschedule the C-section for August 5! Great Idean!

~Shelly~ said...

Wow that was fast! Cant wait to see pics of the little man!