
Thursday, March 19, 2009


Can you believe that in 5 short days we'll be finding out whether we're going to be blessed with a baby boy or a baby girl?! I can hardly wait! We are so excited! I'm ready to start planning a nursery! And I can't wait to go shopping and register! I have truly been blessed with this child! Last night the girls at work did an ultrasound on me just trying to figure out what it is. Our little bedside ultrasound wasn't very helpful in that endeavour however! Dawna swears there is more than one baby in there and that it is a girl! and Jenni swears its a baby boy. They were so funny fighting over the wand and telling each other which way to go. lol it was funny! Misty also did a random blood pressure check and my BP is still good @ 105/62 last night, or should I say this morning. Thank God for his blessings! David and I just can't wait until Monday! We were walking at the park tonight after life group talking about how things are going to change after this bundle of joy gets here! Well I'll be back Monday with the good news of the sex of our baby!

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