
Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today is the first day of October and October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! One of my favorite times of the year! I am a firm believer that we will one day find a cure for this disease! Until then I help do what I can to support breast cancer awareness! Every year I volunteer or participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure! It is such a powerful experience! This year I participated in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer! A 2 Day event where for 2 days we walk as 1. I crewed and supported the walkers for 2 days! I experienced so much in that one weekend! Next Year I am doing the same! Meeting the survivors and watching them walk 36 miles in 2 days through pain and bleeding feet for a cure was amazing! My Grandmother was a survivor of breast cancer but is in Heaven today! Every time I participate in one of these events I do it in her memory to honor her fight as well as those who remain fighting and those who lost the fight! So this month take the time to support all those people!

Be a Carebear and get your Breasts checked everyone!

These are photos from this years Avon Walk for Breast Cancer! (Also in an earlier post)

Presenting the checks that the money raised went to! I was part of the 1.8 million dollars raised in Houston! Hopefully 2010 brings in much more!
Wacoans! Don't forget the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life this month! It's October 17 and 18 and it's an awesome overnight event to raise money to find a cure! I am selling Luminaria's if anyone is interested or just wants to donate! I'm on my church's team! Come out and support all the survivors and participants!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Valerie Nana and the rest of us are behind you 100% in your fight as well as ours. God Bless You!!LOVE MOM/MIMI